Tourist spots of Sundarban

Sundarban is the largest mangrove forest in the world. Sundarban is situed inthe southwestern part of Bangladesh in  the district of greater Khulna. The worf sundarban is abengali word . It means "beatiful forest" sundarban is famous for its beauty .

The sundarban is plentyful for a number of unoccupied time. It is also plentiful for reaserch and trsvel activities.It is also famous for for photography. The photogrpher icluding photography of the famous RoyalBengaltiger, boating inside the forest, wildlife viewing, fisherman, wood cuters, honey collectors and nature. Sundarban is a forest  where peace and tranqulity in the wilderness. To see sundarban, tourists rich their experience and the riverine beauty are afew of treasers that great the visitors.

Major attractives spotes of sundarban are Hiron point, katka, Tinkona islands,Dublarcgar.

Hironpoint-:Hironpoint is famous for tiger,deer,monkey,corcodiles,birds and nature beauty.Hironpoint has comfortable of the mongla port authority.

Katka:- katka is famous for deer , tiger , corcodiles, birds and mankey. Evening and morning consonance of wild fouls . Large area of grassy field runnines from kachikhali to katkaprovides opportunity for world tracking.

Dublar char:- Dublar char is is land for fisherman. It is abeautiful is land. Spotted deer and heards are often seen to grace.

November to march is the best time for visit sundarban. water transport is only mans  of communications for visiting sundarban from mongla to hironpoint. Mongla port authority rent private motor launch, speeds boats for the  purpose. From Dhaka  visitors may travel by air, rocket steamer to khulna the gatway to the sundarban.

Khulna Divissonal forest officer permisson to visit sundarban .
Bangladesh parjaton coarporation offers all inclusive guided packege tours from Dhaka to sundarban