The forest of sundarban supply a unique ecosyestem and a wealthy wildlife natural abode of animal. sundarban is one of the lartgest single populations of tiger.The sundarban were home to nearly 312  Royal Bengal tiger in2009. Between 100-250 people are killed per year by the attracts of per year.

There is much more wild life here the endengerd panthera tigris tigris. Most importantly mangroves are a changes from sea to fresh water and the earth syestem and supply complex habitat for numerous spices of smallcarbs,fish,shrimps,hermitcarbs,fidler carbsand other crustleceans that are  adapteed  to feed shelter and repeoduce among  the tangled mass of roots,known as pneumatophores,that grow upward from the anerobic mud to get the trees supply of oxygen.Wild life presents many a spectacle. no wonder you may come across a royalbengal tiger swimming across the strems or the corcodiles basking  on the river bsnks.with the approach of the evening herds of deer make for the darking glades where boisterous mankeys shower kerora leaves from above for sumpotious meal for the former .wild boar,macquals,commpn grey mangose,fishing cats, junglecat,fox pangolin are also found in the sundarbans.

Bangladesh sundorbans support divers biological resoures at least 120 spices of commercially importsnt fishes , 42 spices of mammls , 270 spices of birds35 replites and eight amphibian spices  in the sttudy of1991. The sundarbans is an important wintetring area for watching and studing avifauna.

The mangent of wild lfe is prenstly limted  to the  preserventstion of faual from plundering and signification of some areas as wildlife sarced places where no drawing out of forest produce is allowed and the wild life face few disturbances . The mangrove forest retains sevaral good wildlife habitats and basssociated fauna. TYhere are high profile and capable of being wounded or  attacked mammals living in two contrastinfg enviourments and their and their stauses and management are strong indicators of the general sondition  of wildlife . For the botanist the lover of nature, the poet and  the painter this land provides a variety of wonders for they all crave.

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